About Master Rymaruk
Master Ihor Rymaruk
Ihor Rymaruk, director and chief instructor of the Okinawan Uechi-Ryu Karate School in Amsterdam, N.Y., began his study of various styles of karate in 1963. He started his journey into Uechi-Ryu in 1971, and opened his school in 1974. Since 1976, he has focused on the technical aspects of Uechi-Ryu, believing it to be one of the most useful martial arts forms in terms of practical self-defense and in the promotion of mental and physical fitness.
Connection to Okinawa
Over the years, Master Rymaruk has made several extended trips to study Karate on Okinawa. During his visit to Okinawa in 1982, he studied under the direct tutelage of Grand Master Kanei Uechi at his Dojo in Futenma. At the conclusion of Rymaruk's intensive study, Grand Master Uechi awarded him a certificate of Advanced Study and the Certificate of Instructor, thereby bestowing upon him Grand Master Uechi's personal endorsement and formal approval to teach and promote the art of Uechi-Ryu Karate Do. Since then, Rymaruk’s school has been honored with visits by various world recognized Okinawan Uechi-Ryu Masters.
Master Kanei Uechi presents Rymaruk his Rank and Teaching Credentials while Mr. Higa, the association secretary, looks on.
Continued Study
Master Rymaruk continued his studies in the U.S. under Master Frank Gorman and Master James Thompson. On October 16, 2019, Ihor successfully tested for and was awarded the rank of Kyudan (9th degree Black Belt), by Master James Thompson.
Dedication to Teaching
It is his commitment to his students and to the art of Uechi-Ryu that lead Ihor to become the author of Karate: A Master’s Secrets of Uechi-Ryu, and to film two instructional companion videos.
“My objective is to maintain a level of instruction for my students comparable to that of the headquarters on Okinawa, and to help each student to achieve their personal goals.”
Though the years, Ihor has received many high praises for the quality of his students and for having "one of the best dojos in the USA" from the Okinawan Masters.
In addition to his school, Rymaruk has:
Taught at local schools, colleges, and hospitals
Given seminars for law enforcement agencies
Been published in the major Karate magazines
Made appearances on radio and television to promote Uechi-Ryu
Hosted his own television program called "Uechi's Karate, Art, Health and Self-Defense."
Ihor developed the Martial Arts Conditioning Hammer, "Iron Arm" which allows individuals to continue their conditioning without need of a partner or bulky equipment.
In 1995 Master Rymaruk founded the United States Uechi-Ryu Karate Association.
In 2007 he shared his technique, Defending to the Four Directions, published in the Journal of Asian Martial Arts, which allows for a more applied practice of Uechi-Ryu basics through the incorporation of movement.
Outside the Dojo
In addition to being a Uechi instructor, Ihor is an avid photographer. He is also Vietnam combat veteran (1966-67), and received honorable discharge from the United States Marine Corps in 1968.
Ihor Rymaruk in Khe Sanh, Vietnam (1967)